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| Survey Rates Mayo Physicians’ Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Knowledge |
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| Pregnancy Aches Eased with Pine Tree Bark |
| Swedish special Rhodiola Effective in Mild to Moderate Depression |
| Echinacea Battles Symptoms of Common Cold |
| Stop Chewing Antacids! Try Potato Juice |
| Green Tea Has Beneficial Effect on Some Cancers |
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| An Inconvenient Truth Classroom |
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| TwentyThousand Leagues Under the Sea |
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| Liber 2 II The Message of the master Therion |
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| Liber 7 VII Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli |
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| Liber 6 VI Liber O vel Manvs et Sagittae |
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| Frater Achad - Liber31 |
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| Egyptian Ideas of the Future of Life by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge |
| Egyptian Revival by Fratar Achad |
| Literature of the Ancient Egyptians (The) |
| Book of Am Tuat by E. A Wallis Budge |
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| Legends of the Gods by E.A. Wallis Budge |
| Egyptian Book of the Dead |
| Egyptian Magic by E. A. Wallis Budge |
| Eliphas Levi |
| Dogma et Rituel de Haute Magie |
| Levi, Eliphas - Key to the Mysteries |
| Elements of the Qabalah - Eliphas Levi |
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| Doctrine of Transcendental Magic, Part 1 |
| Conjuration of the Four Elements by Eliphas Levi |
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| The Cosmic Doctrine |
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| Enochian Magick Reference, Benamin Rowe |
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| Book of Enoch - Book 2 |
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| Book of Enoch - Book1 |
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| The Runes by Ormungandr Melchizedek |
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| Childrens Seven Magical Runes |
| Joseph Campbell - The Masks of God, Primitive Mythology, 1959 |
| Campbell, Joseph - Myths To Live By |
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| Full Moon Rituals |
| Group explorations in ego magic by Phil Hines |
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| Israel Regardie-Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic |
| Historic Lecture - Golden Dawn by William Wynn Westcott |
| Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Earth |
| Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Fire |
| Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Water |
| Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram |
| 4=7 Philosophus |
| Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (LIRP) |
| Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) |
| Meditation with the Archangel Auriel |
| Greater Key of Solomon |
| White Magic Spells |
| Heptameron, Magical Elements of Peter de Abano |
| Ars Notoria, The Notory Art of Solomon |
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| Hermes Trismegistus Book 15 |
| Hermes Trismegistus Book 14 |
| Hermes Trismegistus Book 6 |
| Hermes Trismegistus Book 5 |
| Hermes Trismegistus Book 4 |
| Hermes Trismegistus Book 3 |
| Hermes Trismegistus Book 2 |
| John Dee |
| The Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee |
| Mysteriorum Liber Primus - John Dee |
| Mysteriorum Liber Secundus - John Dee |
| Mysteriorum Liber Tertius - John Dee |
| Mysteriorum Liber Primus - notes - John Dee |
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| Shir Qoma |
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| Sepher Yetzirah - Westcott |
| Sefer Yetzirah - The Chariot |
| Sefer Yetzirah - Gra Version - Kaplan |
| Sepher Raziel |
| Sepher Sephiroth |
| Sepher Ha Bahir |
| Sefer Hashmoth |
| Kryon Parables |
| Kryon Parables 4 |
| Kryon Parables 3 |
| Kryon Parables 2 |
| Kryon Parables 1 |
| Lemegeton |
| Lemegeton 1 Goetia |
| Lemegeton 2 Theurgia Goetia |
| Lemegeton 3 Ars Paulina |
| Lemegeton addition Ars Notoria |
| Lemegeton_5_Ars_Nova |
| Lemegeton 4 Ars Almadel |
| Magical Philosophy Series |
| Denning & Phillips - Vol 2 - The Sword and the Serpent |
| Denning & Phillips - Vol 3 - Mysteria Magica |
| Denning & Phillips - Vol 1 - Foundations of High Magick |
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| Yoga, Tantra Og Meditation |
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| Modern Shamanism ~Two Worlds and In-Between |
| Modern Shamanism 3~Touched By Fire |
| Modern Shamanism One~Walking Between the Worlds |
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| Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming |
| And The Truth Shall Set You Free by David Icke |
| Creating Magickal Entities - David Michael Cunningham |
| Evolution of the Dragon - Dragon Magick |
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| Dark Side of the Moon A Book in Witchcraft |
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| Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life" Affirmations |
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| Three Ancient Egypt Worksheets |
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| Pagan Dot to Dots |
| Witchy Things Colouring Book |
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| Palmistry for All, by Cheiro |
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| Alchemy of Abundance by Lisa McSherry |
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| Fama Fraternitatis |
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| Rosicrucian Thoughts on the Ever-Burning Lamps of the Ancients. - W. Wynn Westcott |
| Teachings of an Initiate - Max Heindel |
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| Initiation Ancient and Modern - Max Heindel |
| Teachings of the Rosicrucians |
| The Rosicrucian Mysteries - Max Heindel |
| Etheric Vision |
| Sacred Geometry - Melchizedek |
| 2012 Planetary Enlightenment and Reality Engineering Through Art by Ormungandr Melchizedek |
| Drunvalo Melchizedek - Merkaba Meditation |
| Drunvalo Melchizedek - Mother Earth, New Consciousness and Sacred Water (7 Letters, 1994-1999).pdf |
| Sacred Geometry and the Structure of the Torch of Life Part 1 by Ormungandr Melchizedek |
| Sacred Geometry and the Structure of the Torch of Life Part 2 by Ormungandr Melchizedek |
| Ancients Secret of Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek Volume 2 |
| SageWoman Magazine Articles |
| Why We Need the Queen |
| Mother Drum |
| Simply Special by Diana Partington |
| Discovering |
| The Damsel & the Dragonfly by Bee Smith |
| Brigit |
| A Pinch of Sage: Blessings that Teach Gratitude by Lillith Threefeathers |
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| The Black Raven - The Threefold Coercion of Hell, Dr. Johannes Faust |
| Luciferian Path |
| The Antichrist, Friedrich Nietzsche |
| Kabbala for Satanists |
| The History of the Church of Satan, Michael A. Aquino |
| Praxis Magica, Dr Johannes Faust |
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| Wicca Lesson 6 - History 3-4 |
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| Around the Interwebs: Definition of Christianity |
| Somehow I think this is not what he had in mind.... |
| new Tiger Woods DVD |
| December 25 |
| Happy Birthday Bart |
| Politics |
| As if we didn't already know . . . . |
| In Old Kaintuck |
| cleansing |
| Representatives who voted AGAINST unemployment extension |
| Some excellent questions.... |
| We need a new political movement.... |
| If You Make and Sell Cosmetic Body Products Read This |
| Obama Internet off switch?!?! |
| an alternative to Obama Care. |
| A budget cure: Marijuana taxes? |
| Out of Bounds |
| WWCD? |
| cleansing |
| I am so damn angry right now.... |
| Shame on us!!! |
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| Manifestation through Perseverance |
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| NOW Enters the Month of VIRGO |
| LEO's Influence of LIGHT |
| Leo - 3rd Decan Influence: Light |
| Leo - The Magic of Will Power |
| Leo - Generous Appreciation |
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| NOW ENTERS the month of CANCER |
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| Bayou Witch Incense--Try This |
| jewelry cleaner? |
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| Essential Oils |
| help for acne??? |
| I have a question |
| i need help for a herdal spell mix |
| soap question |
| Eco-Pagan |
| vinegar |
| Eco-Friendly Ant Control (warning - this will KILL the ants) |
| Cooking with the seasons, supporting the community |
| Cloth Diapers and Glass Bottles |
| When Poverty Prohibits Conservation |
| Water Bottles |
| Homemade Laundry Detergent |
| Drilling caused Indonesian mud volcano |
| Eco disaster |
| The Healing Room |
| Cutting ties in order to heal the Self |
| Candle for lady Elaine |
| Request for healing energy |
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| Thoughts and prayers to Chile and it's aftermath peoples |
| An Invitation to healing.. |
| Overmedication of America |
| Hypertension and healing |
| Wandering Jew plant for arthritis? |
| Herborium & Growing Room |
| Comfrey..is it to late? |
| What to do about moldy roots? |
| Rose Hips |
| Cactii Needles!? |
| Good Uses for Lemons |
| Help my brain is hurting |
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| Amazonite: The Prosperity Stone |
| Hawk's Eye/Falcon's Eye for Vision and Insight |
| Creating Better Intention With Crystals |
| Crystal Work: Placement |
| Crystal Work: Programming Your Crystal |
| Crystal Work: Choosing Your Crystal |
| "Love Stones": The Tantic Nature of Shiva Lingham |
| The Magickal Home |
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| Cleansing/Renewing |
| Glow Crystal Solar LED Color Changing Garden Stake |
| Garden Wind Harps |
| Just out of curiosity |
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| condition of house effecting life circumstances |
| Yule trees? |
| Smudging Rituals For Your Home |
| Sundown's Sacred Space |
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| Just a few probably dumb questions. |
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| I didn't know where to put this. |
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| Dreams.... all things to do with dreams |
| Some short horror stories.... |
| Long time coming reading |
| Horror tales from the deep woods |
| Novia's Walking with the Angels |
| Zephyrus |
| Galgaliel |
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| Obsveration |
| Zophiel |
| Hark!! The Angels calling |
| Walking with an open heart |
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| Ask, and ye shall receive |
| Shadows, not angels |
| Seamonster's Meditation Room |
| Winter Solstice. The Essence of Power is Stillness |
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| Stacey's Pagan Living Book Club |
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| The Basics of Magick - by K. Amber |
| The Irish Goddess of War by WM Hennessey |
| What do you want to read? |
| Free E-Books for Download: Updated 8/20 |
| The Greatest Secret by Darrell Daybre |
| Pagan Living Book Club |
| Coming Out Of The Broom Closet |
| Anyone aware of this? |
| Unexpected pokes |
| Coming out to my friend |
| I did it I really did |
| Significant Other vs. Living Out |
| the Fire Witch is born! |
| Coming Out as a Witch at Work |
| Craft Names |
| A sad way to come out of the broom closet |
| Advice for those still living with their parents? |
| Empathy & Psychic Ability |
| Watching for Signs |
| Thoughts of people |
| Dropping anchor, and building a wall |
| Wondering if you've noticed |
| Are you ok after Haiti? |
| Difference between... |
| Question about energy? |
| 7 Signs You're An Empath |
| Would You Let Go Of The Rope? |
| Handfastings, Weddings & Relationships |
| End of a relationship |
| Subtle handfasting??? |
| Planning and Performing Handfastings |
| much help needed pour moi...:( |
| trying to heal a broken heart |
| What to do when your sweetie is a real athiest? |
| Difficulties with a mother.... |
| Hard to press onward. |
| Extremely Worried... |
| physical |
| Pagan Family & Home Schooling |
| Baby on the bus! Fly little birdie fly!! |
| Need advice for a first (and only) time father |
| Fun With Language |
| Menarche Ritual |
| Mr. Pointy Nose |
| I Garden to Feed my Family |
| Creating Memories |
| Legal advice or who I can contact |
| Help!!! |
| diaperless babies |
| Womens & Mens Mysteries |
| Terpsichore's Curse |
| Menstrual cups!! |
| The Horned God |
| First menstruation ritual |
| Male Energy |
| Premature Menopause |
| LE's Moontime Bath Tea plug! |
| Mother's & Daughter's & Our 6th Sense |
| Another question. |
| Question |
| Skeleton Closet |
| Help! Save my Soul. |
| To Live and Let Live... at what price...? |
| My Fear, my shame. |
| Broken |
| Living with secrets making me physically sick |
| Fear |
| strayed a bit too far... |
| A Handful of Forgiveness |
| How to Help Negative People |
| Price |
| Young Pagan Path |
| Altar in Plain Sight and Yet Hidden |
| cleansing |
| Introduction to Wicca and Witchcraft (YouTube) |
| Move Ins! |
| Hey, Thanks! |
| School Time Magic |
| Be a Crafty Teen Witch |
| Your Biggest Magical Mistake |
| Back to School |
| Magical Sand Garden |
| Divination |
| Numerology |
| The 11:11 Phenomenon |
| Threes |
| The Magical, Mystical Number 7 |
| Offering numerology reports, and a place to download.... |
| Alphabet Numerology Chart |
| Cool site |
| The Basics of Numerology |
| Neena or Neem :D |
| Numerology of Houses |
| Resources |
| Pendulums |
| My latest pendulum readings |
| Using Yourself As A Pendulum |
| Pendulums and Energy Portals?? |
| Getting into the Swing with Pendulums |
| Another use for your pendulums |
| Pendulum Boards |
| Runes |
| Rune for the day part 2 |
| "Rune" for 3-5-16 |
| Rune for Sunday, Feb 28th 2016 |
| Rune draw for 11/23/15 |
| "Rune" for the day |
| recommended books or websites? |
| Check this out!!!! |
| Witches runes |
| Runes, Runes, Runes |
| The Valhalla Warriors Rune |
| Tarot |
| a DROPPED tarot card reading |
| Tarot card for the day 12.1.15 |
| Tarot card for the day |
| Guess what I do now - A Tarot Readers Story of Survival |
| about dignity |
| New to Tarot - Free readings anyone? |
| What The Heck Does That Card Really Mean? |
| Royalty in the Tarot! |
| Personal Tarot Study |
| Christmas Tarot - A Gift to You! |
| Other Divination |
| Nut, Pip and Seed Divination |
| Attunement with Divination |
| Full Moon Water Scrying Divination |
| What is a vision board and how does it work? |
| Ouija Boards |
| Chakra test |
| Dreams |
| Destiny Cards |
| angel cards |
| Phone Magick |
| Indigos |
| Indigo Adults |
| What it means . . . |
| Kryon Seminar Schedule |
| What does it mean, Indigo. |
| Indigo Children |
| The Star Children |
| I think I might be an indigo... |
| Is Your Child an Indigo? |
| Spells and Rituals |
| Basic Magick and Spell Casting |
| Honey Hars for 4 people |
| A Hoodoo spell? |
| another idea for a bed for Rosie |
| Questions about making a "Fetch" |
| Have a quick question about...... |
| Personal Cleansing |
| Concerning Pentacles |
| stupid question |
| Reading the wax after a candle spell... |
| How does it work? |
| Help Writing Your Own Spells |
| Point Form Spells - Simple, Effective, Direct |
| Basic Spells |
| Confidence Correspondence? |
| The Mythology of the Triple Moon Goddess and You |
| Bath Spells |
| communication spell |
| Help Please!!! |
| Spell Form |
| Ethics of Spellcasting |
| Charging An Herb For Your Use |
| Magickal Tools and Supplies |
| Wands |
| Using Synthetic Oils? |
| i misplaced my athame!! |
| The Chalice |
| Potatoes |
| My tools |
| Hands |
| Censers and Thuribles |
| Pins |
| The Besom |
| Rituals |
| Preparing for Imbolc: The Kitchen Mysteries Celebration |
| Insight about myself |
| New Ritual Fire Pit |
| Black Moon Ritual |
| Burning Barriers Ritual |
| Pan, The Goat-Foot God |
| Guidelines for attending your first outside Ritual |
| Ostara |
| February Full Storm Moon Esbat Ritual |
| Prescription Medications and Ritual |
| Exploring The Occult |
| Astrology |
| Mercury-Heading in the right direction-Jan 2023 |
| Astrology for Nov 21st thru the 27th 2022 |
| Astrology for Nov 7th thru 13th 2022 |
| Astrology for August 22nd thru 28th 2022 |
| Astrology for June 27th through Jul 3rd 2022 |
| Astrology for June 20th trough Sunday June 26th |
| Astrology for May 16th thru May 22nd 2022 |
| Astrology for March 7th thru 13th 2022 |
| Astrology for Feb 21st thru 27th 2022 |
| The Queen passes in |
| Dream Magick |
| Bad, just bad |
| Amazing Dream - what does it mean? |
| healing a world gone mad |
| Last nights vision/dreamish |
| A few strange dreams |
| bridges and cemetaries |
| Night list |
| Odd Animal dreams |
| Why the hell am I dreaming of Zombies? |
| Need Help with this dream |
| Familiars and Other Magickal Assistants |
| Fox |
| The Cat |
| A 'visitor' |
| To Find Your Totem Animal |
| Spider, Pagan Symbol: Weaver of Fate |
| Cockerels |
| Dragonfilies and a Honey Bee |
| The Ferret |
| A Spider story I wanted to share with you |
| Keep Your Dog Safe on 4th of July |
| Ghosts, Hauntings & Paranormal |
| Visitor |
| House out of sorts |
| Fell out of my Body |
| Have Any of You Heard this?? |
| Ghost hunting clubs? |
| Community Question.....Please Participate |
| Exploring Orbs |
| weird feeling |
| Astral meets physical |
| Help with Haunting? |
| Moon Magick |
| Blue Moons |
| Hecate |
| Chinese Lunar New year, 2009 |
| The Hunter's Moon |
| The approaching full moon eclipse |
| The Mythology of the Triple Moon Goddess and You |
| Quick Question to Clear My Confusion |
| February Eclipsed Full Moon |
| The Mother Moon Thru The Signs |
| The Moon and the Weather |
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| The Secret Life of Bee's |
| Paul Newman |
| The Moses Code ~ A new film by James Twyman |
| Film Legend Charlton Heston Dead at 84 |
| Halloween |
| The Golden Compass |
| Oh, please tell me they didn't really make this movie... |
| 28 Weeks Later |
| TV |
| A Special Day Of Remembrance |
| A Moveable Musical Feast Airing on PBS - Loreena McKennitt |
| Planet Green Network Won't Be What You Might Expect |
| A merican Idol Creepiness |
| 'The Tudors' Returns to Showtime |
| The Lady and the Lion |
| Wicca: A National Geographic Presentation |
| "The Good Witch" on Hallmark |
| I Got Your Whopper Right Here |
| I Am An Animal |
| Music |
| Different genres of music for different Gods? |
| Beltane Night |
| Chakra Clearing |
| Baroque Music For Spellcrafting |
| Morning Train - Playlist for March 2009 |
| Lodo After Dark |
| Joe Bongiorno |
| Blue Note Picks - Playlist for February 2009 |
| Full Moon Paradise |
| Barfly Tales |
| Pulp |
| Entire Twilight Series in Our Downloads !!! |
| A Book I HIGHLY Recommend - The Enchanted Candle |
| Origins of Rhymes Songs & Sayings By Jean Harrowven |
| An interesting read.. |
| A great read written by Libba Bray |
| Best pagan books ever? |
| Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple |
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| I've suspected this for years. |
| Church sign generator. Everyone must see. |
| Sh*%t My Dad Says |
| It's Back (Click it you know you want to) |
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